Saturday, August 9, 2008

Louie's Loose Tooth - After thoughts

I was initially intending to narrate a quick childhood story about the tooth fairy in my household but instead ended up with the post below. Quite honestly, I have no idea how or why that happened ... it just sort of did. Now if I only had someone to draw me up some illustrations ...

Anyway, we never really believed in the tooth fairy when we were kids. Instead, my mom would say if you threw the tooth high enough, the sun would reach down and catch it. She would throw it so high and far and we would watch in amazement and swear that we could see the sun move a little.

One day Louie actually found one of those astronomical teeth on our yard and mom had some serious explaining to do. She suggested that perhaps she wasn't strong enough anymore and that my oldest brother, Huey, would have to take her place. Huey took this task very seriously and would throw it with all his might. We never did find another tooth.

xoxox, love u mom!


The Reluctant New Yorker said...

It's so interesting to read about different traditions that people have; this is the coolest take on losing teeth that I've heard.

Unknown said...

My mind started to wander into a Rap about chips and lips and tips and I said, "Whoa, horsey, let's not go down THAT path, you ain't no M&M".

queenie said...

That's a very sweet story.
My sister and I didn't believe in the tooth fairy, we just pretended we did. We got introduced to the tooth fairy a little later than the kids our age, and we knew that it was the parents who put the money, but we insisted our parents do the same and we pretended that it was the tooth fairy. Kinda sad, I know.

neutron said...

New Yorker, I didn't realize just how different it was until making this post. I guess it really helps to spell it out sometimes.

Lou, haha, it's all good. You don't got to be an m&m to bust a few rhymes. Mind you, that's coming from a guy who rhymes words like goose and moose ;)

Queenie, you're kidding?!! lol, sad yet funny. Tooth fairy make belief ... what some people will do for a dollar :)

Eve Grey said...

Oh that is very sweet. And economical for the parents! (:

neutron said...

Very sweet and economical, but such a teaser ... having us throw away our own teeth like that. Soooo cheeky.