Tuesday, May 20, 2008

R-G colour blind - the high school days.

"Dude check out my new car!!! '94 Plymouth Sundance. It's a beater, but hey." (best friend)

Dude, why is it pink? (me)

"Whatchu talkin'bout Willis? It's not pink - it's light green man!"

Dude, it's light pink ...

"%$#@ ... damn you X chromosome! Daaaaamn yoooooOOOU!!!"


7aki Fadi said...

You are the only person I know who is color blind.

So what are the colors of your blog ? maybe you think they are something other than what they really are. lol.

neutron said...

oh man, my bad 7aki ... it's my friend who's colour blind. does that mean it was a crappy post?? :(

neutron said...

p.s. the main logo is red ... i hope ...

7aki Fadi said...

OH I thought you thought it was pink and it was green. LOOOL too funny.

Your poor friend needs people to go shopping with him.

No the post was not crappy and yes your logo is red.