Most people I know hate their jobs. It's kind of like life's axiom, thou shalt hate your job! But I guess it doesn't apply to everyone, just most of us.
It doesn't apply to everyone, just most of us ...
That is the Question. Why is it that some love their jobs while others loath them? Why do some feel there simply aren't enough hours while others can't bear to count them? Why do so many struggle to find themselves while others were seemingly born knowing? Why?
Contemplation, contentment and confidence. Over the next week or so, I will offer my humble commentary on the subject and hope that each of you may find some truth therein.
Truth. The Foreword.
Let us first lay the foundation, truth. In essence, the afore mentioned are only a subset of truth.
Truth is like matter. Academically speaking, matter cannot be created nor destroyed and nothing can occupy the space of already existing matter. Matter was here before us and everything we see is just some rearrangement or restructuring of it. Truth is very much the same. Let us look more carefully.
1. It can neither be created nor destroyed. Truth is truth and it stands independent. Unlike most other things on Earth, it is not a relative measure, although we often assume it to be for our own ease of application. Truth is still truth whether or not we believe it, know it or are even aware of it. If a person stole $5, regardless of whether we believe it, know it or are aware of it, it is the truth, he stole $5.
2. No two truths can occupy the same space. This concept is of paramount importance. We can only hold one truth of any one concept at any one time. For example, it is not possible to believe both that aliens exist and do not exist at the same time. Either you believe they do or they don't. Or you're undecided. But not both. This is of outmost importance because if we have some preconditioned beliefs or ideas and are unwiling to critically analyze them, this may actually block out the truth and limit our growth and understanding.
3. Everything we see is just some rearrangment or restructuing of the truth. There are laws in life whether we accept them or not. There are laws of physics, thermodynamics, gravity, spirituality, etc. These are laws of life (on Earth) and are truths. If you choose to ignore or outright reject them, then you are simply distorting the truth. If you choose to accept and learn about them, then you are simply embracing the truth. Although polar in practice, they are equal in concept, both are the rearrangments and restructuring of truth.

It doesn't apply to everyone, just most of us ...
That is the Question. Why is it that some love their jobs while others loath them? Why do some feel there simply aren't enough hours while others can't bear to count them? Why do so many struggle to find themselves while others were seemingly born knowing? Why?
Contemplation, contentment and confidence. Over the next week or so, I will offer my humble commentary on the subject and hope that each of you may find some truth therein.
Truth. The Foreword.
Let us first lay the foundation, truth. In essence, the afore mentioned are only a subset of truth.
Truth is like matter. Academically speaking, matter cannot be created nor destroyed and nothing can occupy the space of already existing matter. Matter was here before us and everything we see is just some rearrangement or restructuring of it. Truth is very much the same. Let us look more carefully.
1. It can neither be created nor destroyed. Truth is truth and it stands independent. Unlike most other things on Earth, it is not a relative measure, although we often assume it to be for our own ease of application. Truth is still truth whether or not we believe it, know it or are even aware of it. If a person stole $5, regardless of whether we believe it, know it or are aware of it, it is the truth, he stole $5.
2. No two truths can occupy the same space. This concept is of paramount importance. We can only hold one truth of any one concept at any one time. For example, it is not possible to believe both that aliens exist and do not exist at the same time. Either you believe they do or they don't. Or you're undecided. But not both. This is of outmost importance because if we have some preconditioned beliefs or ideas and are unwiling to critically analyze them, this may actually block out the truth and limit our growth and understanding.
3. Everything we see is just some rearrangment or restructuing of the truth. There are laws in life whether we accept them or not. There are laws of physics, thermodynamics, gravity, spirituality, etc. These are laws of life (on Earth) and are truths. If you choose to ignore or outright reject them, then you are simply distorting the truth. If you choose to accept and learn about them, then you are simply embracing the truth. Although polar in practice, they are equal in concept, both are the rearrangments and restructuring of truth.

Don't forget the Robert Evans quote-
There are three sides to every story: Your side, my side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each differently.
I worry about truth.
I wrote a post (I think...) about how I love the truth, but don't care about the facts.
I'm going to revisit that.....and see if I'm kidding myself, revising history, or if I simply meant pretty much what Cormac Brown just said about recollection....
I honestly don't know...
ooooww, Christy, I'd love to read. Send it over my way ... if you do ever find it!
Well, I don't remember deleting it YET--since I'm in the process of detaching from the posts by deleting them.
(I know. That's weird.)
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