Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Square of Life


Unknown said...

Okay, buddy, you lost me there. I have no effing clue.

neutron said...

Lou, it means what it means my man ... in the eyes of the beholder. Maybe a little too abstract or maybe my work needs a little ... more work.

Christy said...

This is like "Schindler's List".



Christy said...

I meant how Spielberg had that one little girl in the red dress in the black and white scene.....

Oh, nevermind.

h a n n e k e said...

He Neutron, thank you for paying attention to my blog/site..;) And indeed, it was quite a big bug, you could even say a 'small animal'.. The fact is that I didn't checked it on a pc yet..I hope it's better now..(still haven't checked it on a pc..hmm;)

Keep up with your blog!


neutron said...

Hi Christy, I watched the movie but honestly can't remember that part.

hanneke, nice to hear from you. Yeah, the different interfaces can get a little weird sometimes. I've made it a habit of always checking both.