Thursday, December 18, 2008

A day in my shoes ...

There's a big black jeep on my back. Tailgating me hard. You have no idea how many bad drivers I run into in a day. A greater part of my time is spent driving around from site to site solving people's problems. All-the-meanwhile, I swirve and swirl trying to avoid your little granny who can hardly see over the wheel and testosterone Bill who thinks passing that extra car makes his penis a little larger.

There's a big black jeep on my back. Tailgating me even harder. He presses but I don't respond. I look back now, wanting to get a good look at my adversary. He's old but still lively. He has a long white beard and is very neatly groomed. His hat is red, lined in white and has a matching coat too.

I can't help but laugh aloud. And it doesn't go unnoticed. He backs off ... he knows the battle is lost too.


Cormac Brown said...

Merry Christmas to the newlyweds!

neutron said...

Hey thanks Cormac!! And a merry christmas to you too!

RyanLoghry said...

Beep-beep Neutron! Other drivers in any weather conditions can be a pain. I try to keep in mind I don't care, and let them go about their business. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...
8 )

Unknown said...

Hey!! I know its difficult - but you are the most frustratingly infrequent blogger I know of.