Sunday, May 3, 2009


"I think therefore I am."

I am therefore you are.

'You are' and 'I am' therefore we share.


I guess what I'm trying to is ... we're all in this together. Our lives, our decisions, as a society and as individuals ... we are all responsible.


queenie said...

Sounds kinda like a Joe Fiorito (Toronto Star) article! (In a really, really good way)

neutron said...

I just read one of his articles. Yeah, i kinda see the correlation.

Cormac Brown said...

We are all interconnected...

...except for the itchy, uncomfortable robes and that is why they hate us so.

Unknown said...

It takes a village ....

neutron said...

oooooohh continuity ... Cormac, that mean a lot too me :)

Lou, I like that one!